• Asharqia Chamber is preparing to provide some of its services exclusively on the (electronic services portal)


    Asharqia Chamber is preparing to provide some of its services exclusively on the (electronic services portal) starting from March in order to achieve its goal in providing all services to its participants electronically.


    The portal (which runs through the website of the Chamber) provides the service of printing documents, requests for activation of letters of visit issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, requests for recruitment addressed to the Ministry of Interior, as well as various commercial services provided by the Chamber such as competitions and re-export.

    The Chamber has taken further measures to reach this level. The first is the selection of suitable programs and applications and the qualification of the workforce to deal with them. It also worked to acquaint the participants with the details and mechanisms of benefiting from the portal in order to complete the process with clear transparency and avoid any obstacles on the electronic side.


    For this purpose, the Chamber has issued a "User Guide for the Electronic Services of the Portal" in order to familiarize participants with the mechanism for obtaining the required services. This guide is available on the official website of the Chamber.

    The portal includes 34 direct services for subscribers (16 major services and 18 sub-services), most notably certification and commercial services.

    The service allows business representatives to obtain all the direct services provided by the Chamber to its participants in an electronic way that shortens the time and the effort. The most important of which is the ratification of documents, editors and certificates, which are approved through high reliability procedures.


    The launch of the portal is in correspondence with the development and the improvement that the Chamber is going through in the provision of services to its subscribers.​

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